
Jika Anak Marah, Peluklah… Jika Istri Ngambek?


INDOWORK.ID, JAKARTA: Anak adalah permata hari. Sementara istri adalah separuh jiwa. Nah bagaimana kiatnya jika mereka marah atau ngambek?

Pada bulan Ramadhan ini, teristimewa pada sepuluh hari terakhir, memang banyak pahala yang dapat diraih oleh umat Islam. Namun cobaan juga tidak ringan. Salah satunya adalah persoalan rumah tangga.

Banyak anak yang suka melawan kepada orang tua, bahkan marah. Tak mau meminta maaf. Sebaliknya orang tua juga merasa gengsi untuk memberi maaf terlebih dahulu. Padahal yang paling mulia adalah orang yang mau memaafkan tanpa diminta minta maaf.

Dalam bulan yang suci ini sebaiknya maafkanlah, Peluk sang anak erat-erat niscaya hatinya akan lembut. Lihatlah sinetron Para Pencari Tuhan, ketika anak marah maka sang ibu langsung memeluknya dan membelai dengan lembut. Hati sang anak pun luluh.


Lalu bagaimana kalau istri ngambek?

Ustad Das’ad Latif dalam ceramahnya sering kali mengingatkan agar sang suami bersabar. Sebaiknya suami diam. Langkah yang kedua adalah diam dan selanjutnya juga harus diam. Berdoalah. Insya Allah hati istri Anda akan lembut dan akhirnya ia yang minta maaf. Tapi memang perlu waktu, jadi harus sabar.

Do we really have the same instinctive reaction of holding a family member when faced with a difficult situation? It would appear not, because unfortunately when faced with a child’s temper tantrum or an unhappy spouse, most people’s instinctive reaction can be different.

One of the most common responses when a child is showing signs of anger and frustration is often to hug them in an attempt to comfort them and reassure them that everything will be ok. This can have a calming effect on the child and with time and consistency, can help to decrease their emotional intensity.

On the other hand, when confronted with an unhappy spouse, many people’s reactionary instinct can be a retreat of sorts to avoid the situation. A spouse’s unhappiness can be a challenging situation for many couples and it can be difficult to know how to react. However, instead of backing away from the problem, it’s important to take the time to listen to your partner and understand why they are feeling this way. Showing unconditional understanding for their feelings is important for your relationship and it will show your partner that you are willing to make things better. Hugging in this situation can be a powerful way of showing your partner that you understand and that you are on the same team.

In conclusion, although it might not seem natural to respond to both a child’s temper tantrum and an unhappy spouse in the same way, embracing in both of these situations is important. A hug shows understanding and compassion, which can help to create a sense of trust and alleviate some of the tension in the moment.

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