Bisnis Headline Industri Otomotif

Mobil Listrik, China Paling Agresif


INDOWORK.ID, JAKARTA: China menjadi negara yang paling agresif dalam mengembangkan industri mobil listrik (electrical vehicle – EV). Bahkan, tingkat kemajuan China di bidang tersebut sudah ditunjukkan melalui jumlah produksi mobil listrik yang mencapai 1,36 juta unit per tahun.

Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa China menjadi salah satu kekuatan ekonomi dunia yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memproduksi mobil listrik berskala besar.


Tak hanya itu, China juga menjadi pasar mobil listrik terbesar di dunia dengan memiliki total populasi mobil listrik mencapai 7,2 juta unit hingga tahun 2019, di mana sekitar 47% dari jumlah tersebut beredar di pasar domestik China.

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa negara tersebut memang sangat serius dalam mengembangkan pasar dan industri mobil listrik.

Untuk mendorong pengembangan produk mobil listrik tersebut, pemerintah China bahkan menganggarkan dana sekitar US$60 miliar. Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk mendanai riset, pengembangan, dan strategi pembangunan mobil listrik hingga tahun 2035.

Selain itu, baik pemerintah pusat maupun provinsi juga menyediakan fasilitas subsidi dan insentif bagi pengembangan mobil listrik, termasuk diskon tertinggi hingga US$3.600 per unit untuk konsumen.

Tak hanya itu, pemerintah juga menyediakan fasilitas pengisian listrik yang memadai dengan menyediakan sedikitnya 120.000 stasiun pengisian listrik, serta 4,8 juta fasilitas mini untuk pengisian baterai. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah China sangat serius dalam mendukung pengembangan mobil listrik dan mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil.
China is the world’s largest consumer of electricity and is one of the countries exerting the most effort in the advancement of electric mobility. The country is the top producer of electric vehicles, beating out the United States by a significant amount in 2020. According to the International Energy Agency, 59% of all electric cars sold in 2020 were produced in China.

As part of its commitment to a more sustainable future, China is set to continue its aggressive push towards electric mobility by introducing several massive projects around the country. The country is investing heavily in infrastructure such as public charging networks, as well as offering subsidies for electric vehicles. This has seen the number of electric vehicles on the road in the country soar to an estimated 1.2 million in 2020, a dramatic increase from just 345,084 in 2018.

China’s efforts to promote electric vehicles include their push to create an ecosystem of fast-charging networks across the country. With this, the country can also ensure that electric vehicles are accessible to every corner of the country. This is being done through local automakers and key players such as State Grid and China Southern Power Grid.

Apart from this, the government is also setting up designated zones in selected cities to encourage the use of electric vehicles. This includes special tax incentives, awards and subsidies. As of 2021, the government has allocated the equivalent of US$ 2.7 billion in the form of subsidies for electric vehicles. This is expected to further increase the adoption of electric vehicles in the country.

Overall, China is setting a great example for other countries by showing just how much can be achieved in terms of electric mobility with the right measures and support. A clear example of this is the fact that the number of electric vehicles in the country is expected to reach 5 million by 2025. This is an inspiring development that more countries should strive to emulate.

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