Bisnis Headline

Mekanisme Penggantian Kerugian Kecelakaan Pesawat Belum Optimal

Pesawat Jatuh

INDOWORK.ID, JAKARTA: Pengaturan kompensasi suatu kecelakaan pesawat udara yang menimbulkan korban jiwa, perusahaan angkutan udara niaga merupakan hal yang esensial untuk memastikan bahwa industri penerbangan komersial dijalankan dengan due professional care.

Pada prinsipnya dengan sistem tanggung jawab yang dianut oleh hukum perdata penerbangan Indonesia yaitu presumption of liability, besaran kompensasi untuk penumpang yang meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan pesawat sudah tetapkan dalam undang-undang. Meskipun demikian mekanisme penggantian kerugian kepada ahli waris karena kecelakaan yang disebabkan adanya unsur kesengajaan (wisful misconduct) atau kesalahan (negligence) masih belum optimal.

Artikel ini mengkaji mekanisme yang lebih optimal terkait pembayaran kompensasi kepada ahli waris untuk kecelakaan pesawat udara.

Tulisan ini adalah sebuah studi Pustaka. Kami mengumpulkan semua literatur yang terkait dengan mekanisme kompensasi kecelakaan pesawat, menganalisa peraturan dan standar yang relevan, mengidentifikasi hal-hal yang masih dapat ditingkatkan, dan merumuskan rekomendasi mekanisme pengaturan yang menurut kami akan lebih optimal.


Hasil studi kami menunjukkan bahwa perlu dipertimbangkan untuk mereviu peraturan terkait tanggung jawab pengangkut dan perlu dibuat penelitian lebih lanjut terkait tanggung jawab produk (product liability) untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan publik terhadap industri penerbangan sipil.

Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu Kementerian Perhubungan dalam membuat peraturan terkait prosedur kompensasi kecelakaan pesawat udara untuk angkutan udara niaga di Indonesia. Selain itu, studi ini diharapkan juga memberikan platform bagi studi lebih mendalam tentang kompensasi kecelakaan kerja di sector penerbangan sipil.

*) Penulis Hemi Pramurahardjo, penulis buku Hukum Penerbangan Indonesia

Recent news surrounding the plane crash that occurred in the South of Jakarta have led to widespread speculation over the adequacy of the regulations surrounding compensation for losses incurred in the mishap. There is no doubt that the incident was tragic, with heart-breaking losses suffered by many families. Questions, however, have been raised around the regulations governing compensation payments to those affected, and whether they are sufficient to adequately provide financial relief to all the families who lost their loved ones.

The current legal framework for compensation in event of a plane crash is the Montreal Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air. The Convention seeks to outline minimum levels of compensation and requires signatory countries to ensure the survivors and families of victims of plane crashes get compensation for losses.

Despite the implementation of this global guideline and the assurance of compensation for losses, it is clear that the current mechanism for distributing the compensation is not optimal. As outlined by the World Bank, there are a number of issues with the current processes. These include non-inclusion of health and welfare costs in the compensation, differing levels of compensation based on victim’s nationality, and the lack of accessible and appropriate counselling and medical services for individuals affected by the crash. All these issues contribute to the exacerbation of the suffering of families affected by the plane crash.

It is therefore imperative for the Indonesian aviation industry to strive for greater measures to ensure that those affected by such tragic incidents receive the support, care and financial reparation they deserve. In particular, it is important for the Indonesian government to reassess the current regulations and strive for improvements that minimize the financial and emotional burden on families of victims, as well as providing suitable medical care and counseling services to all affected by the crash. Furthermore, stakeholders in the industry need to develop proactive strategies to reduce the risk of such disasters and ensure that the country maintains a world-class aviation safety standard.

It is imperative that the relevant responsible parties ensure that the current regulations are suitable and effective when it comes to rewarding compensation and providing emotional and mental support during times of distress. It is only by implementing these updates that Indonesia can hope to tackle the serious issue of inadequate financial and emotional support for families affected by plane crashes, and ensure that they are adequately supported by their government while seeking closure from their loss.

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